14th Oct 2020 – Quantum Survey Project Management

14th Oct 2020

The strip-out contractor was met onsite to review the works up to the current point on the 13th October and snag the works to ensure that all areas would be left ready for the future reinstatement. A couple of areas of minor work were noted based mainly around health & safety and the cleaning down of the site.

The contractor is now undertaking the removal of the trusses and purlins and storage of all materials on the 3rd floor as was detailed by the listing officer.

Over the 13th/14th October, the specialists consultants employed on the project all attended site to walk through the areas that require their involvement. This included a lift specialist, a structural engineer, and electrical engineer.

In addition, a building control consultant was involved with visiting the site to understand and provide the correct paperwork to the local council for the works to be undertaken.

Finally, Davis French – a restoration specialist, who have been involved since the start of the project providing guidance on drying attended site to review the possible drying and anti-fungal needs of the building now that all areas of the original building are exposed. They have recommended a slow heat system is installed to the building to ensure the building is dried but without causing damage to the brickwork.